LeBron James shares everything as he reveals his favorite food, music, sneakers and much more

LeBron James shares everything as he reveals his favorite food, music, sneakers and much more

The name LeBron James is synonymous with the game of basketball and the NBA and it’s not a surprise. LeBron has been in the game for 20 years now and his influence is not just limited to the court but also outside. He resonates with a lot of the fans, both young and old given that he has achieved so much in the game.

LeBron is also a very lively character when it comes to off field stuff. He has invested in a lot of soccer teams. He owns a stake in English Premier League club, Liverpool, which is owned by John W Henry of the Boston Red Sox. In August 2022, LeBron became a passive owner of Serie A side AC Milan along with Drake.

So it is clear that James has a lot of interests and given his investments, he is one course to be just as relevant as he is now once he hangs up his playing boots. He recently gave a quick fire interview with Bleacher Report about his favorite things and lets see if you can guess them right.

What is LeBron James’ favorite food?

In the quickfire interview, Bron said that he loves Italian food. Although he didn’t say which dish he likes the most, he did not bat an eyelid before answering. What could his favorite Italian dish be? Pasta? Lasagna? Ravioli? We can only guess.

What is LeBron James’ favorite season of the year?

James said that Winter is his most favorite season of the year. Given that he grew up in Cleveland where it is quite cold compared to Miami or Los Angeles, this answer is not that surprising. Plus who would want to enjoy the sun when you can play in the snow??!!

What is LeBron James’ favorite sneaker?

He did not give a specific answer but just said, “Mine. All of them.” But don’t worry, we got you covered. LeBron once revealed his sneaker closet and showed off his collection. There he picked out some of his favorite sneakers. The first ones he picked were the Nike LeBron Zoom Generation 1 as they were his first shoes when he was an 18 year old in the league.

What is LeBrons’s favorite album?

James does listen to a lot of music to get hyped up for a game. We can see him come to arenas with his headphones on and a mean look on his face which means business. He was not able to pick one but mentioned two. The first music album he mentioned was ‘It was written’ by Nas and the other one was ‘Black Album’ by Jay Z.

What is LeBron’s favorite movie?

LeBron wasted no time in saying that his favorite movie, or rather movies are Godfather 1 and Godfather 2. Al Pacino and Robert De Niro starred in those movies and are quite a hit amongst fans of all ages.

What is LeBron’s favorite tattoo?

Bron has a lot of tattoo’s on his body. Many of them have a lot of meaning. He mentioned that his favorite tattoo’s are any that have his kids on it. He said, “Any tattoo that has my kids on it. I got my kids all over me, their names, their faces. So any one with the kids.” He has two sons, Bronny and Bryce, both of whom are aspiring basketball players and one daughter named Zhuri.

Who was LeBron’s favorite player growing up?

LeBron revealed that his favorite player growing up was baseball outfielder Ken Griffey Jr. Griffey was an MLB legend and played for teams such as the Seattle Mariners, Cincinnati Reds and Chicago White Sox. He is a 13 time all star and was also named the MVP in 1997.

What is LeBron’s favorite opposing city to play in?

James said the he loves to play in Boston and that means he loves the TD Garden, which is home to the Boston Celtics. The TD Garden is a legendary arena and has seen many triumphs and championships. So, it is no wonder that a winner like LeBron loves to play there, although it can get very hostile at times.

What is LeBron’s favorite NBA memory?

There are a lot of incidents that can be taken to be his best memory but LeBron chose the day he got drafted. James was selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers, as the number 1 pick of the 2003 NBA draft.

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